
My long term goal is to live 100% from passive income. Theres 2 big reasons for that, I dont have to worry about losing my job or not having enough money, it would give me financial security. Second reason is more important, it would give me more free time to do things I really like to do, spend more time with close ones and friends, do things I really like to do which includes my hobbies/sports and developing sports in Estonia. Id like to help young athletes reach their dreams and goals in their chosen sport.




Portfolio size at least 40 000 EUR Achieved in August!
Earn 200 EUR projected passive monthly income by the end of the year Achieved in June!


Sub 10% bodyfat
90cm/36inch standing vertical



Portfolio size at least 13 000 EUR - Achieved in September!
Which of 3000 in P2P - Achieved in July!
8000 in stocks - Achieved in September!
2000 in estateguru - Failed!


Bodyfat under 10% Failed I got around 12%
vertical jump 90 cm / 36 inches  Failed  first goal is to get the fat off and then improve relative strength and speed

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