Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Month summary: August 2016

Summer went by really fast and its already dark outside while Im writing this post, just a few weeks ago during the same time it was possible to catch some last sun rays outside. Luckily I had 2 weeks more vacation during that time and like usually I spent that time mostly on my bikes :)

I finally gathered some motivation to reach my sub 10% bodyfat goal this year and I should be able to get there during September If I keep my diet strict. Im already much drier but Ill post before and after pictures when Ive reached my goal!

About investing in August. Stock prices are still high but I found a hidden gem and bought 200 shares of FLO. Price was great and it added 128 USD to my annual dividend income.

My P2P lending sites:

I invested 500 EUR more in Mintos.
And I received 61,54 EUR of interest during the month. First time over 60 EUR per month and it keeps growing!

In Bondora I still have a bit over 1000 EUR ticking and it made me 9,44 EUR of interest during the month. I will just hold the sum in there, not adding nor taking out any money.

Viventor made me 0,63 EUR from the 50 EUR I have in there.

From some other loans I received 16 EUR of interest.

And now my favourite part the dividends! I like them the most because I really believe in the dividend growth- at first the % you earn is really small but if it grows 5-15% every year then at some point the snowball effect will be really strong.

I received dividends from the following companies:
OHI 30,79 EUR
OKE 17,17 EUR
HCP 22,73 EUR
STON 34,86 EUR

total 122,36 EUR

To sum it all up I received 209,97 EUR which I didnt have to work for :) this makes up to 42% of my level 1 financial independence - at 100% I would be able to pay for the most basic needs like food and housing. Now I just continue to invest aggressively and hopefully I can get some solid stocks for better price in Fall.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Stock buy! FLO

Havent bought any stocks for almost 2 months now as everything is so expensive for my liking. Until I noticed that one stock from my watchlist has dropped its price quite nicely. I got myself 200 shares of FLO at the price of 15.22 USD per share. This buy adds 128 USD to my annual dividend income.

I think its a nice buy as FLO is a dividend contender that has paid and raised its dividend for 15 years straight! It produces different bread products and supplies them in most of the US states. It still has a lot of room to expand there which mean a very good growth potential. The company is strongly undervalued at the moment and I personally think that the price will bounce to around 20-25 USD per share in just a few months.

It feels so nice to buy stocks again and increase my monthly passive income :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Month summary: July 2016

Last 2 weeks I took out some of my vacation days from my most time consuming job. I got to taste what it is like to work only part time - something I want to start doing soon! Maybe even next summer Im going to quit my job and work only half time or continue doing it but only 2-3 days per week if my employer agrees with it. I kinda like the job but it just takes too much time and I dont have any time left for other things like training. Its quite hard to do any high intensity training after a long day at work, youre just mentally exhausted. In speed and strength type of sports you need to be fresh and sharp not sluggish...
During my vacation days my physical activity was much higher - according to my Polar watch it was almost 3x higher than normally :)
A lot of the time was spent on bikes:
In the forest -

 On the roads-
And on everything normal people dont ride their bikes on -
And the time I wasnt on my bikes I spent in the gym or outside doing street workout/calisthenics:
130kg / 290lbs Bench press for 7 reps (yeah I know I cheated a bit with hips)
Deadlift 180kg / 400lbs for 5 reps - Instagram link
(you can also hit the follow button on instagram if you would like to :)

Training side in July was a lot of fun but the investing side was actually quite boring.
My savings rate was good but not as good as the last months have been. I managed to save 83,75% of my active income and all of it will be invested!

Ive collected quite a decent amount of cash to invest because the stock prices have been too high for the last 2 months, there isnt much to buy at the moment. I didnt buy any stocks in July - really boring I know... but I still collected some dividends:

SFG1T - 180 EUR
MAIN - 9,67 EUR

total - 189,67 EUR

SFG1T was the big payer this month and it raised its dividend by 50% compared to last year, which was a really nice surprise :)

Stocks pay dividends annually or quarterly so Its nice that from social lending I get some interest every month.

Still my favourite one - Mintos  paid me 49,83 EUR of interest, plus I invested another 600 EUR in the platform.
If you would like to give Mintos a try then feel free to use my referral link:
Referral link

With that we will both benefit. Text from their site:
Once your friend registers via the link and starts investing, we will reward both of you with 1% of their invested amount.

The reward will be calculated based on the average daily invested balance over a 3-month period and paid in three installments — 30, 60, and 90 days after the registration date.

For example, Daniel refers Sara who starts investing via Mintos marketplace. After 30 days the average invested balance Sara has had over the period is EUR 3,500, so we will credit 1% of EUR 3,500 (or EUR 35) into Daniel's investor account, and another EUR 35 into Sara's investor account. After 60 and 90 days we will review the average invested balance again and, if it increases, credit both Daniel's and Sara's investor account accordingly.

Bondora earned me 10,65 EUR of interest. I have a bit more than 1000 EUR in there and Ill just keep it that way - not adding nor taking out any money.
Viventor made me 0,28 EUR just like last month and my 50 EUR in there is becoming 51 EUR next month. 1 EUR in 3 months seems like nothing but actually its a 2% capital increase in less than 3 months, which is not bad at all.

And the total passive income  for July was - 266,43 EUR
which makes around half of my financial independence level 1. Everything over that can be invested or spent on unnecessary stuff.

After all July was a great month as I had a lot of the most valuable resource - free time :)