Friday, September 25, 2015

Competition in Hungary

Last sunday I was at a competition in Debrecen, Hungary. I didnt know anything about the comp until the organizer sent me an invitation. I decided to go and it was very motivating for me.
It was raining all morning and other classes had to ride in rain. Luckily for the Elite class riders the rain stopped and sections started to dry up, some of them were still quite slippery though.
Slippery sections and rain wasnt as big problem as was my forearms. I got really really strong arm pump and it was just impossible to ride. I felt like I cant use the brakes and every second my grip will slip and I will crash. That cost me a lot of points but fortunately I still made it into the finals.
I drank a lot of water and rest my forearms and I managed to climb from 6th to 5th position in the final. It was an ok result but I know that I could be on the 2nd place without the forearm problem. But I can only blame myself for not training my forearm stamina, Ive had this problem before but not as bad. First place would have been impossible for me as the winner Hegedus Laszlo was just too strong as he should be being the top 4 rider in Europe.

Now Im highly motivated for the next season and I will prepare for it much better, I already made myself an 8 month training plan. In 2016 I want to ride as many world cups and probably the world championships as well.

A video of one of the sections

Time to train hard!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stock buy!

Yesterday I made 2nd stock buy this month. I bought 19 shares of Chevron corporation (CVX) for the price of 77,33 USD per share. Now I have 2 companies from the energy sector. A lot of companies from that sector have good prices at the moment. And that means the current dividend yield is also good at 5,5%
Chevron has raised its dividends for over 25 consequtive years already so thats good news :)
Maybe Ill buy more of it in a few months, we will see. Now I just need to hold the current ones.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Stock buy!

A few days ago I bought some more TKM1T from baltic market.
I got 180 shares for 6.15EUR
and 145 shares for 6.14
Total 325 shares with a 6,5% yield.
I achieved one of my this years goals to get at least 8000 EUR worth of stocks in my portfolio and Im planning to buy more soon :)
I prefer stocks over other investments in my portfolio because I could always sell them easily (price might be lower though but its still possible to sell them) and I like to invest in companies instead of giving out loans for people to buy stuff they dont need (all loans are not taken on that purpose but a big chunk of them are).
Anyway Ill keep my eyes open for some other stocks soon, Im planning to buy some every month or after every 2 months. And not only from the baltic market so the choice of stocks is huge :)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Legs getting stronger :)


Legs are getting stronger and vertical jump is improving!
September goals are to lose a bit of weight as Ive been lacking discipline in the end of August...
Current weight is 99kg which is a bit too much, I want to get down to 95-96kg.
Im still hitting the gym once per week and doing bodyweight work 2-3x per week. Also some cardio and of course trials training.
Ive gained some motivation again for some serious training so everything should go uphill now :)

Keep training!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Month summary: August 2015

August went by really fast and finally there were some days with proper summer weather. Im the one who prefers at least 25+ C though, +30C would be perfect :) Maybe I live in the wrong country? I dont think so because I like it here, I like the change of weather but Id prefer shorter winters and warmer summers. Winters are short at the moment but unfortunately summers too.

Enough of weather, lets talk about savings in August now. Savings rate was 85% but I didnt save much more, just had some more extra work which increased active incomes.

My favourite part - passive incomes.

Lets start with Bondora. I received 20,24 EUR interest from there. I added 140 EUR of extra money in my portfolio and had a plan to add around as much monthly until the end of 2015 but as they made some changes again, Im not so sure. I havent looked into the changes yet so I dont know what to expect but Id like my portfolio to be as passive as possible. If I have to learn about changes all the time then it becomes like an active job and I dont like it.

Im much happier with Mintos, I didnt add any money this month but probably will in September. I received 16,03 EUR in interest and late payment fees. I think that a few mogo loans went 60+ days late and I got my money instantly back, not sure where I can cofirm it on the site though.

From Estateguru I received 5,63 EUR of interest and I added 400 EUR to a new project. So far all good with Estateguru and I really like that all the loans are for only 8-18 months. In bondora your money is stuck for 60 months for comparison. Anyway Ill probably add some more money on my account for new projects as they seem to fill up very fast and if you dont have any free money on your account then you might miss your chance to invest in new project.

And finally the dividends. I received 4,8 EUR from BBEP, this is also the only company in my portfolio that pays dividends monthly.
To increase my dividend incomes I bought some more stocks in August. I added 324 shares of TKM1T at the price of 6,16 EUR per share with 6,49% dividend yield. Lets see how the prices change in September but I definately want some more dividend paying stocks from the baltic market.

In August I received a total of 46,70 EUR in passive incomes. Which is a bit more than 9% of my set first level of financial independence.

Total I have invested 11779,7 EUR which is really close to my 2015 total goal of 13k.

And a graph to show how my investments are divided.

 I will continue very aggressive investing at least until 2016 summer but probably even longer. I think that its important to be as aggressive as possible in the beginning. When passive incomes are bigger then you can slow down a bit as the passive incomes itself will build up your portfolio nicely :)